3430 St. Michael Drive NW, Canton OH 44718-3099



Vision Statement

A Catholic Community on Journey in the Tradition of the Second Vatican Council Seeking Companions on the Way to the Reign of God

Mission Statement

St. Michael's Parish is a Catholic Christian community called together by God to share in the mission of Jesus Christ.

Our community invites each member to participate actively in the parish by freely developing his/her unique, God-given gifts to love and care for one another in the name of Jesus Christ.

We recognize our responsibility to share these gifts with all members of the Kingdom of God.

We bear the responsibility of a community of believers to accept and respect each others expressions of faith, to proclaim the Glory of God through worship, ministry and joyful love for all people.

We willingly embrace the needs of our members as well as the members of the wider human community and challenge each other to live the gospel values of Jesus Christ.

We hope that living our parish mission will result in the spiritual growth and unity of our parish.


Saturday 4:00pm;
Sunday 8:30am, 11:00am; 5:30pm


Monday and Thursday Masses at 6:45 AM and Liturgy of the Word with Communion Services at 8:00 AM.

Tuesday and Friday Masses at 6:45 AM and 8:00 AM.

Wednesday Masses at 6:45 AM and 6:00 PM.

All Masses and Liturgy of the Word Services with Communion take place in the Chapel on the Church's Lower Level.

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