3430 St. Michael Drive NW, Canton OH 44718-3099

First Communion

First Communion

Upcoming Events for Student Preparing for First Communion 2024

First Reconciliaiton will be celebrated 2/4/2025 at 6pm in the church.

Rite of Enrollment will be celebrated 3/16/2025 during the 8:30 AND 11:00 Masses.

It is diocesan policy that the celebration of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist be held during the second grade of school. A preparation program for parents and children is to be part of the Religious Education Program of the Parish.

Children are required to participate in Sacrament preparation classes before receiving the Sacraments. Likewise, it is diocesan policy that parents participate actively in the preparation of their children for the Sacraments. St. Michael Parish requires that parents attend three (3) parent meetings and the family Rite of Enrollment at a Sunday liturgy in February, in preparation for the celebration of the Sacraments. Other than the first meeting, all sessions will be for parents and their second graders. The meetings are as follows:

Program Introduction / Adult Catechesis for Sacrament of Reconciliation (adults only)

Parent / Child Reconciliation (Fall)

First Reconciliation Service (usually on a Tuesday evening in January)

Parent / Child Rite of Enrollment at Sunday Liturgy

Parent / Child Eucharist Meeting (Early spring)

At St. Michael we celebrate Family First Communions. Rather than have a large group 1st Communion Mass, families are able to schedule a weekend Mass in the springtime and their children can receive Eucharist for the first time with their families and the community, individually or in small groups. 

It is assumed that parents, and children preparing to celebrate the sacraments for the first time, are regularly attending Mass, are active members in the Religious Education Program of the parish, and will continue to be active beyond the second grade year.

Those children who did not attend any religious education program in the first grade will be given an opportunity to review the curriculum for that year.

For further information, please contact the rectory at 330-492-3119.

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