3430 St. Michael Drive NW, Canton OH 44718-3099

Mass Times

Mass Times

St. Michael Mass Schedule


Saturday - 4:00 pm

Sunday - 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm

St Michael Mass Online


Monday and Thursday Masses at 6:45 AM and Liturgy of the Word with Communion Services at 8:00 AM.

Tuesday and Friday Masses at 6:45 AM and 8:00 AM.

Wednesday Liturgy of the Word with Communion Service at 6:45 AM and Masses at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

All Masses and Liturgy of the Word Services with Communion occur in the Chapel on the Church's Lower Level.

Holy Days:

7:00 pm Vigil, 6:45 am, 8 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation

First and Third Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am 

(Or by appointment)

Eucharistic Adoration

Thursday - 8:15 am - 6:00 pm

following the 8:00 am Communion Service

Closes with Benediction around 5:45 pm


On Sunday evenings, after the 5:30 Mass*, the rosary is prayed in the lower chapel. There is usually a leader who reads the reflection for each mystery, but other people lead the different decades. Anyone is welcome to attend.

*During the winter months, the Rosary time changes to 4:45 pm - before the 5:30 Mass - instead of after the Mass.

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